Top Advance Diploma in Computer Application ADCA MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)


1. What the full form of ADCA?

A. Advance Data in Computer Application.
B. Apply Diploma in Computer Application.
C. Advance Diploma in Computer Application.
D. All of the above

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C. Advance Diploma in Computer Application.


2. What are the things required for email?

A. envelope and ticket
B. computer and internet connection
C. both
D. None of these

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B. computer and internet connection


3. Quickly change the font

A. ctrl+shift+f
B. ctrl+shift+l

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A. ctrl+shift+f


4. Aligns the line/selected text to the center

A. ctrl+C
B. ctrl+E
C. ctrl+T
D. ctrl+R

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B. ctrl+E


5. Who invented the term Internet of Things (loT)?

A. Bill Gates
B. Kevin Ashton
C. Steve Jobs
D. McDonald

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B. Kevin Ashton

6. The only language which the computer understands is

A. Assembly Language
B. Binary Language
D. C Language

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B. Binary Language


7. In first generation computers, Which of them is used as a programming language?

D. Machine Language

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D. Machine Language


8. What is the full form of FORTRAN?

A. For translation
B. Format translation
C. Fork Transformation
D. Formula Translation

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D. Formula Translation


9. What was the name of the first commercial computer?

A. Colossus
B. Analytical Engine
C. Difference Engine
D. Ferranti Mark 1

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D. Ferranti Mark 1


10. What is the name of the first computer designed by the Electronic Corporation of India?

A. Shakti
B. Siddhartha
C. Param
D. Pratyush

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B. Siddhartha

11. What is a printer in a computer system?

A. A peripheral device used for inputting data
B. A device used for outputting data from the computer
C. A component that manages system resources
D. A type of software that runs on the computer

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B. A device used for outputting data from the computer


12. What is the full form of VLSI?

A. Very Large Storage Integration
B. Very Large Storage Integrator
C. Very Large Scale Integration
D. Very Large Scale Integrator

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C. Very Large Scale Integration


13. Full form of EDSAC

A. Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
B. Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
C. Electronic Data Storage Automatic Calculator
D. Electronic Data Storage Automatic Computer

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A. Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator


14. What is the full form of EDVAC?

A. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
B. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
C. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Calculator
D. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer

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B. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer


15. Which one is not a type of memory?

B. Cache
D. Joy-stick

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D. Joy-stick

16. Which menu is selected to cut, copy, paste?

A. File
B. Tool
C. Edit
D. Table

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C. Edit


17. Type of software which is used to create slide show is

A. Web Design Software
B. Spreadsheet Software
C. Word processing Software
D. Presentation Software

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D. Presentation Software


18. Mechanical Devices that make-up the computer are called?

A. software
B. Hardware
C. Netware
D. Groupware

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B. Hardware


19. Personal computer are also called…..

A. Micro computer
B. Analog computer
C. Mainframe computer
D. Super computer

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A. Micro computer


20. The smallest unit of data in computer is

A. Kb
B. Bit
C. Byte
D. Nibble

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B. Bit

21. What does BCD stand for?

A. Binary coded decimal
B. Bitwise coded decimal
C. Bitwise Converted Decimal
D. None of above

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A. Binary coded decimal


22. ASCII stands for?

A. American scientific code for information interchange
B. American standard code for information interchange
C. American scientific code for international interchange
D. None of above

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B. American standard code for information interchange


23. The main circuit board in a computer is called a …….

C. Motherboard
D. All of the Above

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C. Motherboard


24. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is ………

A. Keyboard
B. Plotter
C. Scanner

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C. Scanner


25. The two basic types of memory in a computer are

A. Primary and major
B. Primary and Secondary
C. Minor and Major
D. Main and virtual

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B. Primary and Secondary