MS Excel MCQ Questions and Answers
1. Which of the following is latest version of Excel?
a) 2003
b) 2007
c) 2019
d) 2013
2. Excel files have a default extension of ?
a) .Xlsx
b) .Xlw
c) .Wk1
d) .dox
3. MS-Excel 2003 file extension ?
a) .Xlsx
b) .xls
c) .Wk1
d) .dox
4. An excel workbook is a collection of ?
a) Charts
b) Workbooks
c) Worksheets
d) Worksheets and Charts
5. Which symbol must all formula begin with?
a) =
b) +
c) (
d) @
6. Where a row and column meet, are known as___?
a) A cell
b) A box
c) A block
d) None of the above
7. The first cell in excel worksheet is labeled as___?
a) AO
b) A1
c) Aa
d) AA
8. What is the shortcut key to hide entire row?
a) Ctrl +-
b) Ctrl +H
c) Ctrl+R
d) Ctrl +9
9. What is the shortcut key to hide entire column?
a) Ctrl+-
b) Ctrl + 0 (Zero)
c) Ctrl+H
d) Ctrl+C
10. To select an entire column in MS-Excel , press?
a) Ctrl +S
b) Ctrl +C
c) Ctrl + Arrow Key
d) None of the above
11. What is the symbol of multiplying?
a) >
b) /
c) |
d) *
12. What is the symbol for dividing ?
a) /
b) %
c) &
d) #
13. Which key do you press to check spelling?
a) F3
b) F5
c) F7
d) F9
14. Which of the following is not an option of spelling dialog box?
a) Edit
b) Change
c) Ignore
d) Ignore all
15. Which chart can be created in Excel?
a) Pie
b) Line
c) Area
d) All of these
16. Which of the following is not a term of MS- Excel?
a) Cells
b) Rows
c) Columns
d) Document
17. Ctrl + D shortcut key in Excel will ?
a) Open the font dialog box
b) Fill down in the selection
c) Apply double underline for the active cell
d) None of above
18. In order to perform a calculation in a spreadsheet, you need to use a__ ?
a) Table
b) Field
c) Formula
d) variable
19. You can add image to a template by clicking the Picture from ?
a) Design
b) Slide Show
c) Insert
d) Review
20. Which of the following options is not located in the Page Setup dialog box?
a) Margins
b) Page Break Preview
c) Page Orientation
d) Headers and Footers
21. You can open the Sort dialog box by choosing Sort from ?
a) View
b) Formats
c) Tools
d) Data
22. Hyperlinks can be ?
a) Text
b) Pictures
c) Drawing objects
d) All of above
23. “New Comment” options can be found under tab?
a) View
b) Data
c) Insert
d) Review
24. In Excel, by default Numeric Values appears in ?
a) Left aligned
b) Right aligned
c) Center aligned
d) Justify aligned
25. In maximum, how many sheets can be set as a default while creating new workbook?
a) 254
b) 255
c) 256
d) No Limit
26. What is the shortcut key to replace a data within sheet ?
a) Ctrl +R
b) Ctrl +H
c) Ctrl +F
d) Ctrl + Shift + R
27. Excel displays the current cells address in the ?
a) Title bar
b) Status bar
c) Name box
d) Formula bar
28. The name box ?
a) Appears to the left of the formula bar
b) Appears below the status bar
c) Appears below the menu bar
d) Shows the location of previously active cell
29. A worksheet can have maximum number of rows in Excel 2019 ?
a) 256
b) 32000
c) 65535
d) 10,48,576
30. A worksheet can have maximum number of columns in Excel 2019 ?
a) 1,024
b) 16,384
c) 32,000
d) 65,535
31. How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel?
a) 256
b) 1,024
c) 32,767
d) 65,535
32. You can activate a cell by ?
a) Clicking the cell
b) Pressing the Tab key
c) Pressing an arrow key
d) All of the above
33. Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?
a) Save workbook
b) Enter text and data
c) Modify the worksheet
d) Copy the worksheet
34. Data can be arranged in a worksheet in a easy to understand manner using ?
a) Auto formatting
b) Applying styles
c) Changing fonts
d) All of above
35. What does the VLOOKUP function do____ ?
a) Looks up text that contain
b) Checks whether text is the same in one cell as in the next
c) Finds related record
d) All of above
36. Which of the following methods can not be used to enter the data in a cell?
a) Pressing the Esc key
b) Pressing the Tab key
c) Pressing an arrow key
d) Clicking on the formula bar
37. Which of the following will not cut information ?
a) Pressing Ctrl + C
b) Pressing Ctrl + X
c) Clicking the cut button on Home Tab
d) Selecting Cut from quick access toolbar
38. We can save and protect the workbook by ?
a) Protection Password
b) Read Only Recommended
c) Write Reservation Password
d) Any of above
39. Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?
a) Paper
b) Layout
c) Margin
d) Orientation
40. You accidentally erased a record in the sheet, Which command can be used to restore it automatically?
a) Insert
b) Copy
c) Undo
d) Replace
41. NOT, AND, OR and XOR are ?
a) Logical operators
b) Arithmetic operators
c) Relational operators
d) None of above
42. MS-Excel can be used to automate ?
a) Transaction registers, Inventory control
b) Financial statements, Business forecasting
c) Accounts receivable, accounts payable
d) Any of above
43. What is the shortcut key to insert new sheet in current workbook?
a) F11
b) Alt+F11
c) Ctrl +F11
d) Shift + F11
44. Which of the following is correct ?
a) =AVERAGE(4,5,6,7)
b) =AVERAGE(A1,B1,C1)
c) =AVERAGE(A1:A9,B1:B9)
d) All of above
45. Which of the formulas will Excel Not be able to calculate ?
a) =10+50
b) =B7+B1
c) =B7+14
d) 10+50
46. You can use drag and drop method to ?
a) Copy cell contents
b) Move cell contents
c) A and B
d) Add cell contents
47. To insert three columns between D and E, you would ?
a) Select column D
b) Select column E
c) Select column E, Fand G
d) Select column D, E and F
48. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas?
a) Title bar
b) Menu bar
c) Formula bar
d) Standard toolbar
49. Microsoft Excel is a powerful ?
a) DBMS package
b) Spreadsheet package
c) Word processing package
d) Communication S/W package
50. Ms-Excel is based on _______?
b) DOS
d) 0S/2